Developer Update

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[Update] Pro Blogger 3.2: Buy Now and Search Scope


Pro Blogger


Related Products

Whats Changed:

Buy Now Buttons:

You now have the option to display Buy buttons below your products 

or on hover on the product images. 

The button style is inherited from your theme. Clicking on them will add the product directly to the cart

Search Scope:

We added the ability to narrow the search scope for Related Products from your entire inventory down to much more focused scopes of specific collections or products themselves.

This drastically improves the quality of results and the level of performance/time taken to find related products.

Where are these Changes:

Buy Button

Search Scope

  • Entire Inventory - will search for any match in all products. This takes the longest to run and is the least accurate
  • Tagged Products and Collections - will only look for Products where the handle name is a tag on the post or check for products in Collections that are also tagged on the post. Efficient way to show only products in specific collections or named and nothing else. Best mix of performance and administrative overhead.
  • Tagged Products Only - Very specific. Only products with their handles specified as blog post tags will be shown. Nothing else will be displayed.
How to Upgrade:

Simply open the Pro Blogger application.

Then click on the 'Save' button within the 'Related Products' section


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Low Fruit Solutions

The passionate coding crew behind Low Fruit Solutions. We are very customer focused and here to provide you the best - Simple, Effective, Fruit Free, SaaS Solutions for Shopify.

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