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Each Demo author has links to to media backlinks and to the blogs they have posts in.

Anne Ne Nas
With a BSc in Plant Science from Sydney university. Anne is a firm advocate of permaculture and native plant cultivation. When she isnt pottering around in her own garden, she loves helping others with their plants and produce.

Darren Frost
Dazza has spent the last 30 years of his life chasing snow across both hemispheres. When he isnt heli skiiing on a remote mountain, as a qualified guide and instructor he loves nothing more than helping others discover the same passion in skiing or snowboarding.

Georgia Spoon
Parisian trained, Georgia has been the Head chef at michelin starred restaurants in London, Paris, Shanghai, New York and Sydney. Following her tastebuds across the world to find the best in flavour and ingredients for her online recipes.

Ian Brian Masters
The IT Guy. Ian has been tinkering with code and computer hardware since the old Fortran days.
Adept with anything from Cobalt to Swift and when not drinking coffee, enjoys Minecraft and telling people to just reboot it.

Low Fruit Solutions
The passionate coding crew behind Low Fruit Solutions. We are very customer focused and here to provide you the best - Simple, Effective, Fruit Free, SaaS Solutions for Shopify.
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