LFS Author Signature
Create unlimited authors for your blog posts and sign off with a feature rich signature.
With the Author Signature application you can easily create and assign authors to your blog posts. Use custom signature templates to sign off your authors in a rich and expressive way that includes social and media backlinks.
Key Features
Create Unlimited Authors
Dont limit contribution to your blog by the number of Shopify accounts you have.
Rich and Expressive
Use the signature templates to build a highly customisable signature including name, bio, profile image and social links in a style that fits your theme and contributors.
Add Referral Recognition
Includes support for 10+ social and media backlink options
Display Posts by an Author
Use tags and links from the Author List page or Author Signature posts count to enable your readers to quickly see a contributors blog posts
Create a Contributor Page
List all your Authors or Team with full profiles and links to the blogs they have contributed toward.
Some Examples
Adding Contributors to your Blog
ExampleUse Author Signature to replace the default author on a Blog Post with the contributor of choice.
Social Proofing your Blog
ExampleUse a custom, full featured Author Signature with profile image, bio and social media referral links to provide social proofing of your content and giving due credit to your contributors.
Create an Author Page
ExampleShow off your contributors or team with a highly customisable authors list page
Full Feature List
- Unlimited contributor Author creation
- Select between vertical, horizontal or image only signature layout
- Style background, border and text to fit theme and persona
- Upload custom profile images
- Set size, shape and alignment of profile image
- Add referral media links to any of the major social networks
- Display blog links and post counts
- Showcase a specific Authors posts using the Posts By feature
- Bulk tag blog posts with the author name
- Create a grid of all authors and their details
Other Stuff
Partner Friendly
Supports Partner Friendly Installation